Client: Kingfisher
Project: Sustainable growth plan
Tags: strategy, ambition setting, customer insight

Customer-first strategy to drive 50% of sales from sustainable home products


The challenge

Create a sustainability strategy to underpin the corporate purpose and accelerate innovation and engagement across the organisation.


What we did

Working with Kingfishers’s Corporate Affairs, Sustainability and Marketing teams, we designed a strategy driven by customer needs. 

  • Customer research, including over 50 video ethnographies in five countries to understand what ‘sustainability’ really meant to customers.

  • Reduced and simplified goals - moving from 53 goals to 12 goals.

  • Reorientated the strategic framework; focussing on customer needs rather than corporate priorities.



  • Customer-insight driven sustainability strategy that engaged and energised the whole business - from merchandising to digital transformation.

  • Focus on a ‘moonshot’ goal that, by 2020, 50% of sales would come from products that help create more sustainable homes.


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